+91-6542-256500 , +91-9431322448, +91-9934363077
Therefore go and make disciples.
Accredited to ATA (Asia Theological Association)
TRINITY THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE was founded with one purpose - to build a space for all students to grow, learn and create with each passing day. Through a unique teaching approach and a truly passionate staff, we help students develop academically and personally to the highest level.
It was in 2005 that God placed on our hearts to start a Bible School for the young people in this region. The states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal manage to stay away from the limelight due to its socio-economic backwardness and other problems like political instability, illiteracy and poverty that plague these states. God placed on our hearts to train workers who would go out and turn these areas into a vineyard for him.
We started the Bible school only for boys on 11th July 2005 and we had four students to begin with of whom only one stayed the complete duration and graduated. Many more students have graduated ever since; thanks to your prayer as well as financial support.
As these young people dedicate their lives to work for the extension of His kingdom we are overjoyed to see their aspirations of working for the Lord as pastors and evangelists or even to go in for higher education and aim at becoming teachers to equip the further generations.
We are happy to share that we now are partnering with Global School of Open Learning ( formerly - Southern Asia Bible College- D.L Department, Bangalore) India to offer ATA (Asia Theological Association) recognised courses at the Trinity Theological College at Bokaro; and are further looking at affiliation with ATA india to standardize the courses and other Academic aspects of the college.
Even as we continued to work with the young men; equipping them to take the Word to the nations. The Lord placed on our hearts a burden to train young women along with these young men. As a new development we now also have young women who have dedicated their lives and are studying the Word of God to be able to share the Good news with their peer groups as well as others in their community.
Our Vision is to train and equip more young people that when they go out in the Harvest field of the Lord; they would stand firm for the Lord, to endeavour His cause for His glory. And in this we seek your continued prayer support.
May God continue to bless you abundantly!
Rev.(Dr.) Dhruv & Rita Prasad
We invite you to explore our site and discover the academics and community TRINITY THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE provides to each and every student. Get in touch with us today to schedule a tour, learn more about enrollment, or ask any other questions.